Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cher As Catwoman? Old Pussy, New Millenium

According to early reports (and far too early to be believed), franchise director Christopher Nolan wants the 62-year-old Oscar-winner to play the feline femme fatale "like a vamp in her twilight years."

Now, I know what you heauxz are thinking: Isn't her geriatric poon to dated to be in a catsuit?

Well, slow down! Cher has enough elasticity in her newly purchased parts to do this role some justice. Sorry Halle, but everyone knows your pussy stank in 2004's Catwoman

And I know the video below is footage of Cher back in the day, but she still looks the same.

Can you say TupperWare titties? Vaginal rejuvenation!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, where can I get one of them vaginal rejuvinators? I'm just saying...