No, it's not that monkey on the left. It's the orangutan on your right.
Remember that face. This is the person you can blame if/when this bailout fails.
Get your handguns ready!!!
After two weeks of anguishing debate, Congress has passed and President Bush signed a massive plan to save the financial industry and the economy at large from an unthinkable free fall. Now, the world holds its breath, seeing if it will work.
Passage of the $700 billion financial rescue package came after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson at a meeting last month shocked congressional leaders into action by warning of pending economic collapse without immediate congressional intervention.
Paulson said after the climactic House vote Friday that he already had staff working out details and was lining up advisers from outside the government to get the money flowing.
Remember what happened last time Bush signed on for this much money.
This bailout has BUST written all over it.
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