In these tough economic times, it’s not unusual to hear tales of financial woe. After all, those big bills and shrinking incomes make for a tough balancing act. Just ask Kevin Federline. Yes, even Britney Spears’ infamous ex struggles to keep his booze tabs and bodyguards’ salaries in the budget.
Granted, K-Fed’s budget is bigger than average, thanks to Spears. The magazine estimates Federline’s current Brit-based monthly income at $40,000, including $20,000 in support payments intended for the couple’s children. But one source revealed that’s still not enough to keep Federline in the lifestyle he’s grown accustomed to.
Just how many Twinkies, bottles of Boones, and Marlboro Lights does one need!?
“Kevin has blown through millions of dollars,” the source said. “When he and Britney divorced, Kevin continued the superstar lifestyle, and he spends all the money that he gets.”
Britney, Brit-Shit...you should have just kept him on the side and fucked on the side.
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