What if we took them both? We're sexually greedy!!!
A sixth of British therapists said they had tried to help gay, bisexual and lesbian patients become heterosexual, even though evidence suggests such therapies can be harmful, according to a survey released on Thursday.
"There is very little evidence to show that attempting to treat a person's homosexual feelings is effective and in fact it can actually be harmful," King said in a telephone interview. Such an approach could provoke greater anxiety and confusion.
The survey showed that 17 percent of therapists and psychiatrists working in Britain had sought to help their patients reduce "gay or lesbian feelings" through therapy, the researchers said.
Treating homosexuality as a mental illness was more common in the United States and Britain during the 1970s and 1980s, when so-called "aversion" therapy was in vogue, he added.
These treatments involved tactics such as pairing homosexual imagery with electric shocks to induce feelings of revulsion, King said.
These days, a little shock therapy on the peen is considered foreplay in some circles. At least, that is what we HEARD.
The World Health Organization only removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 1992, he added.
"There was a huge fashion for these treatments in the 1970s and 80s," he said. "Now we are talking more about helping patients control their thoughts, to reduce their homosexual feelings."
Reasons provided by therapists in the anonymous study ranged from their own religious and moral views about homosexuality to patients' anxiety over discrimination, the researchers said.
We cannot tell you how many times we have heard of those that tried to seek treatment at church for these feelings...and then the priest tried to put his hands on them.
Yes, in that way.
Almost makes you wanna convert, don't it!
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