You'd think with her big ass 5-head, she'd possess more common sense in her cranium, but nooooooooooo. So black Hollywood has come to the rescue before she gets knocked up, Robin Givens-Tina Turna style....
Three television shows will take on the issue of relationship violence today in the wake of pop star Rihanna's alleged beating by singer/boyfriend Chris Brown.
BET presents a live "106 & Park" at 6 p.m. devoted entirely to domestic violence currently affecting teen couples. The show will gather a panel of experts, industry insiders, victims, perpetrators and survivors to carefully examine the impact of domestic violence among our youth and provide tips on breaking the cycle of abuse.
Meanwhile, Tyra Banks will devote today's episode of her talk show to the topic, and will share her own experience of dating a man who emotionally abused her.
Banks says the man chipped away at her, trying to break her down so he could be in control. One day, she woke up and decided to end the relationship because "when you're done, you know you're done."
Banks will also be a guest on today's live edition of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," which Winfrey has dedicated to dating violence in response to the alleged assault of Rihanna.
Rihanna, we are ready for your next club-banger, I mean, hit.
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