Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Va-JayJay Wars: Angelina vs. Egypt

Do any of you remember this raggedy ass show? Or more specifically, do any of you remember this show being funny?

Exactly. Ain't nothing funny about having that many damn kids under one roof!

This should be filed under 'How Much Do You Love Your Vagina'...

A 27-year-old Egyptian woman and her husband already had three children — all girls. They badly wanted a boy, and she had not conceived in five years, so doctors gave her hormones.

Well, lo and fuckin' behold, this greedy woman popped out a soccer team all at once, pissing off Angelina and sparking the debate again - are fertility drugs the answer?

A resounding hell*fuck*no!

And the kicker? This couple is broke but got cheap hormones for her to have all these extra kids.

"I'm really scared," she said, lying in her hospital bed in this Mediterranean coastal city. "We live in a mud hut with only two rooms. I don't know how we're going to afford 10 children now."

Word of caution? If you are not Brangelina, capable of generating millions of dollars for your spwan, you close your legs!

The end!

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