We here at Society Sex have such a heaux crush on the woman vying to be our first female VP (that we'd DP). So we have done a little investigative research.
She's a hunter and life member of the National Rifle Association. Ordinarily, we here at Society Sex are against artillery. Sex as a weapon is another story entirely. But she can hunt us any time.
She does not support re-legalizing of marijuana in Alaska despite using the drug herself at a time when it was legal under Alaska (but not Federal) law, stating concerns about the message re-legalization would send to her children.
OK, we're gonna have to do some soul-searching on that one.
Mistress Palin have two sons (Track, 19, and Trig, four months) and three daughters (Bristol, 17; Willow, 14; and Piper, 7). Those names are backwoods brilliance!
Word on the street is her youngest daughter is really the illegitimate child of their teen daughter... please let it be true!
Hot VP fakes pregnancy to clear her skank teen's name! We are loving it already!
I for one welcome our future VPILF and her allegedly morally loose daughter!
And last but not least, poll showed Palin's approval rating at higher than 80%.
It's gotta be those legs.
We're moist with anticipation for the next two months.
With Tyra Banks promotes the inclusion of the first transgender contestant on the upcoming season of “America’s Next Top Model,” former judge Janice Dickinson says she’s been there, done that. The self-proclaimed “world’s first supermodel” told New York magazine she broke that ground on her Oxygen show “Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency.”
Wait a minute. Wasn't Janice the world's first tranny catwalker? We here at Society Sex thought she had her angry inch resuscitated during Studio 54's heyday but we could be wrong. Anyhoo...
The Tupperware quasi-tranny goes even further:
“I (never got) a note or call (from Tyra) thanking me for helping to put her show on the map,” Janice complained. “Whatever. She’s not my favorite person.”
She's probably not your favorite person because you are an over-the-hill collagened/botoxic nightmare!
Below is Miss Dick telling it how it really is. Or rather, she was higher than NASA during this interview
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin used stark language to urge residents to get out of the city, calling Gustav the "storm of the century."
We here at Society Sex send a warning out to all our friends, relatives, loved ones, etc to get out now. And on the political side, never forget what happened during Hurricane Katrina, which was not that long ago. Bush was slow to respond. Let's be sure that he and his minions get their act together this time.
The levees better hold because if they city were San Francisco, it would be re-built in a day. And you know exactly what we mean.
We here at Society Sex believe this just fell into our laps. Get a load (and a load and another load if you want) of this shocker.
“Californication” and “X-Files” star David Duchovny has checked into rehab for sex addiction, his lawyer Stanton “Larry” Stein confirmed to Access Hollywood.
David married actress Téa Leoni in 1997. They have two children, daughter Madelaine West, 9, and son Kyd, 6.
Now how does this work exactly if you'r married? Is Tea tea-baggin' it every day or what?
And we at Society Sex are no fools. No no no. We are sure there are plenty of willing men and women trying to ride his sexy.
And don't you love how they release this in line with the promotion of a new show?
Look at her? She is seriously fighting the hotness burgeoning deep inside her!
McCain on Sarah Palin: "Once you get to know her, you will fall in love with her"
Does John-John mean in the biblical sense? What's going on here?!
Well, we here at Society Sex are not so sure about love, but lust?
Sign us the fuck up!
Hillary who?!
Society Sex went out to get a reaction from Mrs. Clinton, but her mouth was so clinched with shock she could not utter a word to comment.
Is this not the presidential pimp-slap of the election? Hillary cannot get a goddamn break. Not only did she lose out on the presidency, she received an unsuspected verbal laceration by Camp Obama, who denied her the V.P. slot, and now she may not even be the first female 2nd in command.
Have you heauxz seen this very un-frigid Alaskan? If she can promise us at Society Sex that she won't be wearing pantsuits, we may cross over and caress her hemlines.
For those of you threatening to call us sexist?
Thank you.
We are very sexist.
McCain better be careful. Palin may be packing plutonium poontang! He won't even live through one term with all that hotness cavorting around the White House! Cindy? Watch your man! I bet Bill Clinton is even considering crossing that party line in search of some sexy times with Miss Alaska.
Ooh, she could be very cold, but for a politician she looks very hot. Let your hair down, Pay-pay! We've seen her legs and we are staunch supporters of heels in the White House.
Not so much.
Republicans promise Palin can shake up Washington? We have just the spot she can begin her shakedown.
Obama was asked about Palin and as he was still reeling from the selection, he was stuttering and damn near speechless. It's too late for Hillary to join your ticket now, Obama! Hillary is going to take her 18 million votes, those cracks in the glass ceiling...to a new hole.
Mitt Romney thought he had the V.P. slot all locked up. I applaud McCain for choosing unconventionally. We here at Society Sex can't get over how smug Romney seems and quite frankly, do we really want someone in the White House named Mitt?
Hell to the naw!
Scandal in the White House! Palin caught riding geriatric presidential peen! We love it already! Hell, Palin is so hot she doesn't even have to fuck McCain. All she has to do is walk in the room, let down her hair, remove those glasses...that's instant cardiac arrest right there!
Stop the goddamn presses!
We're at a heaux crossroads!
Hot Alaskan heaux or hot negress in the White House?
The photo above was obviously taken during happier times.
When has this family ever had happy times?
The apple doesn't fall far from the psychotic tree...
The New York Daily News is reporting that O.J. Simpson was knocked to the ground Sunday by his daughter Arnelle in a tussle over his 32-year-old girlfriend, Christie Prody.
According to the source, Arnelle, 39, called 911 in a fit of crazy after she toppled her 61-year-old dad, giving him a minor head injury. The National Enquirer quoted a source saying O.J. was "cut on the back of his head, blood was coming out the side of his mouth and his lip was cut."
The Enquirer said Arnelle was also upset with O.J. for giving money to Prody, while his high school sweetheart - Arnelle's mom, Marguerite Whitley - has to work at WalMart to make ends meet.
We here at Society Sex do not condone violence in any way, shape, or form, but sometimes, as this clip shows...we know you gotta whoop a bitch's ass.
I knew why they were crying. Those scores of older Americans standing up for a day they never imagined they'd live to see. Barack Obama's nomination acceptance encompasses generations of African-Americans struggling for the basic rights my generation takes for granted. Because of their perseverance, there was no limit on how high I could dream...and realistically attain.
Last night when Hillary Clinton released her delegates and Obama accepted the nomination, it illustrated the point that this historic event took the participation of everyone, for this is not just the history of African-Americans, it is American history.
So when you see your parents and grand-parents or even those older Americans on the streets, respect their efforts and celebrate what has been achieved and the opportunities opened up for the future.
There will be endless debate as to which one from this triumvirate is still the most viable, the most talented, and least plasic surgeried, but we here at Society Sex will look beyond that to celebrate the contributions they have made to our lives.
There's not a person I know that has not done something illicit to one of these people's songs and that's saying something!
So what if none of them have the same parts they started out with in the 80s?
They're 50 this year and that's what you do at the half century mark. You pull something up/off/out!
They made music for white and black, gay and straight, male and female, and blurred the lines in their personal identities.
Does anyone else have a crush on this heaux? When I want good news head, there is no other reporter that makes my heart skip a beat more than Suzanne Malveaux.
This exotic beauty of African, Spanish, and French descent sets my heart a-flutter. That's the kind of mixed bag I'm talking about! I decided to do a little research (ie, stalking) on her in my undying devotion to her.
Did you heauxz know that in addition to being a fabulous on-air correspondent for CNN, she also has an identical sister? Yes, there is a carbon copy of hotness with her DNA imprint roaming the earth.
So someone please find her to increase the chances that one of them will marry me and make me an honest heaux.
The footage below shows Suzanne from the waist up. A pity, but try nonetheless not to become moist.
We here at Society Sex cover a broad range of topics: sex, drugs, cock & roll, etc. That also extends to politics.
Last night, The DNC was at it again when Dennis Kucinich took the stage to speak on the future of America. Now, we know he was being sincere. Really, we do.
But we would like to have whatever it is he is drinking/inhaling. Looks like speed to us.
In her new book, "Keeping the Faith" singer Faith Evans writes of catching rapper Lil Kim red-handed and buck naked in the bed of her husband, the late Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace.
A few sexcerpts...
"As soon as I saw a small lump next to Big’s large frame, I flew into a rage, ran over to the side of the bed, and pulled back the covers. I grabbed some chick out of the bed and started beating her ass. At some point, the chick’s wig came off in my hand; it was a short, cropped wig. I stopped throwing punches for a minute to get a good look at the chick I was beating up. It was Lil Kim. She was completely butt-naked, yelling as I pushed her around the room."
" Big sat up in bed and pointed at Kim, who was standing in a corner of the room, trying to cover her naked body with her hands while I was still yelling at Big. When I left a few hours later to get the kids, I noticed that Kim had taken my key to my Land Cruiser and scratched up my entire car, from the hood to the back bumper."
For those of you wondering how Lil' Kim could cover up her freakishly sized Frankentitties with her hands, please note that this all happened back in the day, before Lil Kim had access to plastic surgery.
In case you forgot, I shall include a video to remind you.
Note the darker skin and A-cups she's rockin'. Think black gremlin with a nice wig.
Do any of you remember this raggedy ass show? Or more specifically, do any of you remember this show being funny?
Exactly. Ain't nothing funny about having that many damn kids under one roof!
This should be filed under 'How Much Do You Love Your Vagina'...
A 27-year-old Egyptian woman and her husband already had three children — all girls. They badly wanted a boy, and she had not conceived in five years, so doctors gave her hormones.
Well, lo and fuckin' behold, this greedy woman popped out a soccer team all at once, pissing off Angelina and sparking the debate again - are fertility drugs the answer?
A resounding hell*fuck*no!
And the kicker? This couple is broke but got cheap hormones for her to have all these extra kids.
"I'm really scared," she said, lying in her hospital bed in this Mediterranean coastal city. "We live in a mud hut with only two rooms. I don't know how we're going to afford 10 children now."
Word of caution? If you are not Brangelina, capable of generating millions of dollars for your spwan, you close your legs!
Whether you are an Obama or Hillary supporter, this one was one for the record books. If you are a McCain supporter, you might want to go to that other blog.
We here at Society Sex would like to take this moment out of our very busy day to give a worthy shout-out to the Lady Prez That Almost Was.
Now, you see, last night, Hillary put on her game face, set her own agenda aside, and delivered one of the most amazing speeches of her political career.
Now, who knows the real reasons for her delivery last night. The fact of the matter is, she did it, and she did it convincingly. Makes me almost want to ponder that Obama/Clinton ticket again.
We shall be shedding no tears for Hillary, however. If she plays her cards right, she can be in the White House in eight years.
It's only fair that she be allowed the opportunity to get her clit sucked too.
Hip-hop mogul Dr. Dre's 20-year-old son Andre R. Young Jr. was found dead on Saturday (Aug. 23) in his Los Angeles home. According to a spokesperson for the L.A. coroner, Young's mother discovered his unresponsive body in bed at about 10:24 a.m. The Los Angeles Times reports that Young had been out the previous night with friends. Dr. Dre released a statement that said, ''Dr. Dre is mourning the loss of his son Andre Young Jr. Please respect his family's grief and privacy at this time.''
The coroner's spokesperson says the determination of the cause of Young's death has been deferred pending the outcome of various tests: ''It could take up to six weeks or longer.'
After reading this, I did a bit of research, because for any hip-hop heads from back in the day, you will remember that Michel'le had a child with Dr. Dre, but this is not that child.
As a tribute, we shall leave video of her slow jam mini-hit.
If you remember this one, pour a lil' something on the side of the curb.
According to early reports (and far too early to be believed), franchise director Christopher Nolan wants the 62-year-old Oscar-winner to play the feline femme fatale "like a vamp in her twilight years."
Now, I know what you heauxz are thinking: Isn't her geriatric poon to dated to be in a catsuit?
Well, slow down! Cher has enough elasticity in her newly purchased parts to do this role some justice. Sorry Halle, but everyone knows your pussy stank in 2004's Catwoman
And I know the video below is footage of Cher back in the day, but she still looks the same.
Can you say TupperWare titties? Vaginal rejuvenation!?
If Hillary thinks this is her week, she'd better think again.
Michelle Obama, the Original Head Negress in Charge, is set to speak at the Democratic Convention tonight to headline a historic week in America's history.
Well, here at Society Sex we believe she lost the nomination because of all those lesbionic pants suits she rocked while campaigning.
And of course, her husband's roving penis didn't help matters!
Below, the classic clip that set up Monica with millions for doing what most of you that are reading this do for little or nothing!
Above is classic footage of Paula higher than Sally Ride!
If you see Paula trying to pass you in the welfare line, this may be the reason why:
American Idol' adds DioGuardi as fourth judge:
Grammy-nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi will sit alongside Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson when the eighth season of "American Idol" premieres in January, the Fox network said Monday.
"For the past seven seasons, Paula has had to endure the experience of being the only woman at the judges' table," said Mike Darnell, president, alternative programming of Fox, in a statement.
"With Kara by her side, Paula has some backup and now there is going to be a lot more `girl power' on the show," Darnell said.
DioGuardio's songs have been recorded by Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Celine Dion, Faith Hill, Carrie Underwood and Pink, among others.
"We are turning the heat up on `Idol' this year and are thrilled to welcome Kara to the judges' table," said creator and executive producer Simon Fuller in a statement. "She is a smart, sassy lady, and one of America's most successful songwriters. We know she will bring a new level of energy and excitement to the show."
Executive producer Cecile Frot-Coutaz said a fourth judge isn't a new idea.
"We had originally intended for `American Idol' to have four judges," she said. "We've seen from our international series that having a fourth judge creates a dynamic that benefits both the contestants and the viewers."
That's how they put it.
Some advice to Paula:
Lay off the crack/Mad Dog/barbiturates and concentrate!
She should be lucky to even have a steady flow of income considering her rants on the air.
Which brings us to our current subject: Kim Kardashian
Many of you have written asking what is the difference between a ho and a heaux?
It's quite simple, really. You are probably in the company of a ho right now. Don't look! That skanky vibe you're feeling? You're right on the money.
We at Society Sex are heauxz. We get plenty of carnal knowledge, but you won't see us on YouTube, Xtube, sexcetera...at least not for free.
Kim has been plucked from the unemployment lines to star (I use the term 'star' loosely...like her ass) on 'Dancing With The Stars' for the upcoming seventh season.
If you're questioning the validity of our claims, check out the video below, which contains merely snippets of her smorgasbord of skankery.
Currently, she has been snatched up (ha ha!) by Reggie Bush but by the time you finish reading this post, things may have been changed.
Kim Bush?
Nice ring to it...and fitting.
If your eyes tire of the collage of men that have raided her nether-region, just think of her poor Kegel muscles...