Once the hurricanes subside, remember that help should be on the way.
Beyonce...where's your check? This is your city. Represent. Don't get it twisted. "Hollywood" is just the name of a song. Get your husband to match that donation of over $1 million dollars.
Solange: we'll take your hand-me-down weaves, wigs, baby formula, and loose change as well.
Ross Perot: your spent $30 million running for President. It's a new decade and new millenium. Consider it a tax write-off as I continue to write on...
George Bush: the present and the former. True natives of Texas know your family is from Connecticut. But your checks will spend just the same for us to keep this tidbit on the hush-hush.
This is a spotlight on the most historical state of America, love it or not. Home to people of all ways of life and every hue. It's not all twang and episodes of 'Dallas'.
To those displaced to Texas after Hurricane Katrina, take note of what happens in a city not quite as black as New Orleans. Take note of what happens in a city that is the adopted home of a Yankee president (oops, I forgot! Where are those checks?!)
Do not let history be stripped down and re-written.
Now, back to the wake-up roll call...
Sandra Bullock: no one ever has to remind you to write one. *mwah* to you.
Dixie Chicks: do Dallas proud and send those checks!
Eva Longoria: send two checks; one from you and Tony *mwah*
Such a big state, I could possibly name them all, but you get the point.
Nominate your own Texan to step forward and donate...
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